I was invited to work on a song with international supergroup APOD. Micheal came up with an awesome piece of music for us to get started. I was immediately inspired to write lyrics. So often I am inspired to write based on something I’ve experienced with my kids. We were reading a Dr Seuss book and I saw this and knew that one day I’d use it in a song. Goat Girl Googoo Goggles became “That Girl’s Got Goo-Goo Eyes”

Goo Goo Eyes

Michael mentioned that he heard a Human League vibe to the song.  I tried miserably to sing it in my best Philip Oakley voice, but it was so out of my range that I scrapped it and resang with my 5XA voice.

This is my lyric sheet as I worked my lyrical ideas up. I include arrows so I know which order to sing the verses, especially when the page is such a mess. It’s some kind of hybrid of a lyric sheet and a drawing. It’s usually what all my lyric sheets look like and their usually written/drawn in my sketchbooks.

V50 Set up

I used a newly acquired Yamaha V50 synth for the lead riff that I added to Michael’s track. I did some minor rearranging of the GarageBand file he sent me, mostly just to make some breathing room between my verses. Before the idea was even a day old, Bryn made a video. “APOD Never Sleeps” became a testimony for the band’s work ethic.