As we’ve been learning the songs, we’ve been modifying the way we set up our gear. I’ve added a second layer to my synth rack to accommodate the Oxygen 8 and my Powerbook. My lower keyboard is just some cheesy Casio that I use as a full sized midi controller using my GarageBand synths. It sounds great, but Joe laughed when he first saw it. He stopped laughing when he heard the amazing soft synths.
This is Liam’s gear. He added a multi-microphone holder to the top level of his rack. He plans on running individual mics through various effects processors. One will be a vocoder.
Here you can see the V50 and the vocoder module on the bottom with his mixing board. The top rack has the Roland S-10. Behind him on another table is the Waldorf Blofeld and some other vintage gear. It looks like Liam will probably stop bring the guitar and just stick with the synthesizers. I can’t imagine trying to manage this many machines!
This is Joe’s little travel kit. A lot of sound for such a compact set up. Roland V-Synth XT.
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