I brought my new Keytar and a couple midi controllers to Silver Bar Studios to share with a local friend in need of a musical direction. His delay was my good fortune. I could hear familiar voices in the studio, talking to Katy.  After a cautious investigation, I saw Kelly and Erek and some new dude spinning around the gallery space. Boldly and daringly, I entered the conversation. Hours later, after we messed with the new synths and talked about the normal things that creatives discuss, we were in the Alley Way talking about things…  I took off the following Wednesday to explore some crazy possibilities with these guys.

There were bells, singing bowls, death screaming spirit screechers, an electric bass, an MS-101 synth, some breathless poetry reading, Nag Champa, a flute, egg shakers and some good meditative, droning experimentation blasting through Erek’s powerful sound system.