I started a new painting tonight. I was tinkering with another painting and I decided to add some kind of portrait to it, so I snapped a few photos of myself and when I decided which image I wanted I thought, “Man, I’ve got a big piece of canvas already primed and ready for action.” So I sketched it out with an Ebony pencil and it really looked pretty good as a drawing. I used the iPad to draw from. Pretty cool tool for zooming in on the details. I worked on it for about an hour and then I decided to add color. I also worked in some aquarella pencil so I could start blending with a damp brush.
The painting on the right is where I originally considered painting the portrait. I blacked out the “cubist” face that was there from when I started this piece several months ago. I liked it, but it just didn’t thrill me. A large self portrait thrills me.